August 2021

The game is ready!

We've been working for a few years to deliver you a brand-new fantasy football game, and now that game is ready! You can even play NFL preseason week 1 without drafting, or a huge time commitment or learning curve.

All you need to do is create a free account at, or just tap the button below 👇

Coming Soon:

In-app awards and trophies coming soon 🏆

We sent out a special email to our VIP subscribers and early adopters, but if you missed it, here's a quick recap:

Cheering fans and iPhone showing the three rules of Tailgate Fantasy Sports. 1 pick your favorite team. 2 set a three-man lineup using players from your favorite team only. 3 rotate two players each game.

1. Pick your favorite team in each league that we offer.

Right now we only offer a fantasy football game for the NFL, but there will be others as we scale. Our goal is to provide you with an easy to play, year-long platform for fantasy sports, encompassing all of the major sports leagues.

2. Pick your favorite (or best) players.

Set a 3-man lineup with players from your favorite team only. The same roster can't be used in back-to-back games, and you must rotate two players each game. This is to achieve parity in lineups and with weekly scores.

3. Rack up the points.

Score points and climb the leaderboard with each contest. Do you know more than your fellow fans? Prove it.

So that's it. A fantasy platform based on fandom and allegiance, and we're just getting started! Please share with your friends and leaguemates, and we'd be honored if you were part of our inaugural season 🍻

With Tailgate Fantasy Sports, pick your favorite team, pick your favorite players, and let the best fan win!

And that's why we say...

True fans Tailgate 😏

Start a fantasy football league for the upcoming NFL Season!

Start a fantasy football league with Tailgate for the 2023 - 2024 NFL season!

Custom fantasy football league of any size for the NFL season and playoffs.

Perfect fantasy football league for your office.
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